Evolution is a derivative of changes in the force of gravity, i.e. a derivative of changes occurring in or with black holes
By SGPierzynowski
Supernova’s– are they in the same time Angel Creators and Devil Exterminators of the life?
By SGPierzynowski
What is the process of thinking? Is it in fact ‘material’ at all? Does "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) exist?
By SGPierzynowski
A Novel Recombinant Oral Urate Oxidase (UrOx) ALLN-346 Reduces Severe Hyperuricemia and Normalized Hyperuricosuria in Nephropathic UrOX Knockout (UrOxKO) Mice
Our GIT peptides are what makes us who we are, our thinking, our personality, our individuality and what makes us different from animals and from other people too
By SGPierzynowski
Opowiastka o Sztucznej/Maszynowej Inteligencji, Chińczyku/Hindusie i Wirusie Korona
By SGPierzynowski
Evolution, once more - maybe true and therefore simple; for skinny, fat and average build people
By SGPierzynowski
Our new article
Glucose homeostasis dependency on acini–islet–acinar (AIA) axis communication: a new possible pathophysiological hypothesis regarding diabetes mellitus