
Quants are intelligent

(by SGPierzynowski)


Dear Sir Roger Penrose,

Today I had a look through your interview by Dr. Maciej Kawecki on AI. 

I am very impressed!

Indeed, AI is not conscious – still it is only super nice quick counting machine. Thus,  it can’t be intelligent, since intelligence must be conscious and intelligence per se is awareness- consciousness.

As a classical biologist, I have been trying to understand how much intelligence/consciousness exists in or between individuals of the same genus or of different genera. Following on from your question concerning the level of consciousness of/in bacteria, one can also pose the question as to how conscious are molecules? Is there any intelligence between molecules, between atoms, or inside atoms, etc.?  From a pure biological point of view,  the first genuine sign of consciousness is life. Since quants can recognize when they are being observed and thus exhibit awareness, perhaps they do possess some primarily form of intelligence? . Is their (quants) behaviour intelligent? Can it be thought of as a form of consciousness. Why quants are afraid to show to observer how they looks like ??

Paradox, In that sense we as humans, are more ‘close to’ quants than any other creatures?

Along the same lines, if we consider when life begins, is it necessary to have quantum satis quants identically reacting on observatory to say this is “life = intelligence”.  Nota bene,  are quants react identically for different observers? I’m deeply afraid that it is in fact true, and that the next generation of quants based computers, could be intelligent – not only named ‘intelligent computers’. But probably it takes time. However, a consequence of this could be that these ‘intelligent quant computers could possibly ‘reinvent’ creation and go for 1, 2 or even 3 levels of intelligence from actual level 0. The classical understanding/definition of intelligence, involving neurons, synapses, peptides, mediators (etc.) is too short to include/encompass higher levels of intelligence. The above last sentence guidelines are enough to understand big counting Touring machines – commonly known as AI machines.

Quants base intelligence is allowing such imaginations of intelligence level higher than 0.  Hope it will not touch my existence since I am already on pension. Hope also that quants can protect themselves from being used inaccurate by another quants generate intelligence. 

On top of all,  I find a lot of the ‘hard and fast’ biological ‘facts’ somewhat annoying and difficult to believe. For example, how is it that Jurassic creatures, with a body mass of around 300kg, exceeding that of a small aircraft (Cessna), could fly? Were they able to manipulate gravity? Or was gravity maybe 10 times weaker than it is currently? The body mass of the heaviest bird able to fly in this day and age does not exceed 20 kg!

Several other inconsequence’s in life science could be better explained or would be more coherent using quants and related to them superconductivity  than with genetics. Example, how is it that possible that our heart (we) is able to pump blood on distance to Moon ?

I think it would be a good idea for a young physicist, young mathematician and an “old” biologist to work together on the ‘common life – intelligence theory’ equation question. Don’t you??

 Apologies for my naïve speculations and naïve language.

You can follow some of my doubts/thoughts on https://www.sgplus.se/newsblog.html


Your sincerely


Stefan Pierzynowski


Lund 2025-01-27